Off to a great start! Kick-off meeting of QuCoLiMa

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Over 100 participants have attended the Kick-off meeting of the TRR 306 QuCoLiMa, which has taken place digitally Friday, March 19, 2021.

In the first session, Prof. Dr. Joachim von Zanthier and Prof. Dr. Kai Phillip Schmidt, Speaker and Vice-Speaker of QuCoLiMa, introduced the goals and internal structure of QuCoLiMa to members, interested researchers and students from the Universities of Erlangen, Mainz and Saarbrücken. The research of QuCoLiMa is inspired by cooperative behavior in our everyday lives. Flocks of birds and fish are prominent examples: The overall dynamics can only be understood as a whole and not as the sum of the individual constituents, which gives the ensemble distinct features as increased efficiency and enhanced resillience. Based on this insight, the collaborative research centre addresses the question of whether and how cooperative behavior arises in the quantum world and how it can be controlled.

The second session was devoted to the inaugural General Assembly of the TRR 306, in which 29 project leaders were present to discuss important matters including passing the bylaws, voting committees, establishing diversity and equality measures, and administrating the funds management.

In the last session, interested students and assigned doctoral researchers were informed about the Research Training Group (RTG) integrated in the TRR 306. Doctoral researchers within the RTG of QuCoLiMa can benefit from annual summer schools, special lectures, lab-rotation internships, to block lectures and topical meetings.