QuCoLiMa Topical Days: Quantum Computers – from Basics to Compilers

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The next QuCoLiMa Topical Days on Quantum Computers – from Basics to Compilers will take place from 29.11. – 01.12.2023 in Saarbrücken.

The topical days are this time especially meant for the members of the RTG. There will be talks on quantum computing, on quantum algorithms, and on the quantum internet. Moreover, there will be three interactive sessions of tutorials on programming with quantum computers / neural network quantum states.

Wednesday, November 29th, 13:00 – Friday December 1st, 12:00

Campus, Universität des Saarlandes, 66123 Saarbrücken

A preliminary program and a description of the interactive sessions can be found on the following homepage:


Please register by November 9 via the form on the page above.