DivE-Q Event: Workshop “Networking and other success factors for female scientists”

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Develop a networking strategy and actively network with other women scientists in research networks!

Various studies show that having a diversified network is a key factor for success in academia. Due to different barriers to career opportunities, it is even more important for female scientists to actively and continuously engage in networking. However, networking is sometimes considered ambivalent and difficult to manage: some feel conflicted about instrumental networking, even while recognising the importance of being well-connected. Which (gendered) beliefs, systematic phenomena (e.g., impostor phenomenon) or structural conditions could hold women back from searching for new ties, maintaining existing ties and developing as well as leveraging their potential and abilities?

In this workshop…

  • we have an evidence-based and interactive look at these questions and structurally analyse where potential points of shifting these beliefs and boundaries are.
  • female professors and PostDocs from the F3G network are invited to not only share their experiences and recommendations for an academic career, but also for networking.
  • we discuss strategies and forms of networking to develop our social and professional networks in size, diversity and cohesiveness – for our own and other women’s happiness, empowerment and success.


Further information

Language: English
Target group: Female scientists in the F³G network of research associations at FAU (doctoral students, postdocs, student assistants)
Face-to-face meeting (1,5 days)

DAY 1: Tuesday, 24th September 2024, 9.00 am – 5.00 pm
Introduction of participants  Input to networking and personal analysis of networking behaviors  Discussion of the impostor syndrome  Lecture “Networking – how it makes you happy and successful” by Lisa Horvath  Panel discussion with female professors and PostDocs  Structured networking among all female scientists (speed dating in groups)
DAY 2: Wednesday, 25th September 2024, 9.00 am – 12.30 pm
Career reflection and setting career goals with relation to networking

If you want to attend the workshop, please make sure you can participate throughout the entire workshop!




Dr. Lisa Horvath is a psychologist and consultant for universities and organisations. She did ten years of international research on topics such as women in leadership and science, gender-sensitive language, and fathers in organisations (e.g. University of Bern, New York University, TU Munich). She is a coach for university executives and staff, a lecturer (University of Graz), and a conceptual de-signer of university career programmes for female scientists and gender & diversity training. Furthermore, she is a member of GenderWerkstätte, GMEI (Gender Mainstreaming Experts International) and FELIN (female leaders initiative). Her thematic focus is on gender & diversity awareness, sensibilisation & management in the context of biases (cognitive biases, gender biases and group biases), equal opportunity personnel selection and Appointment Committees and career empowerment for women (e.g. scientific location assessment, net-working & collaboration, attendance & participation.

More information can be found here: http://www.drlisahorvath.at