QuCoLiMa’s Female Scientists
QuCoLiMa’s Female Scientists
QuCoLiMa’s Female Scientists is a program inspired by the corresponding program of the German Physical Society. Here, we will highlight female scientists of QuCoLiMa and their field of research in order to contribute to “fixing the leaky pipeline“ (less female professors than students in the natural sciences). We want to show that studying science at the universities involved in QuCoLiMa and working as a scientist within QuCoLiMa is an excellent choice for women and will (help to) boost their career at all levels.
Oksana Chelpanova |
![]() Oksana is a theoretical physicist working on bath engineering in cavity QED and the interplay of non-equilibrium dynamics with topology. She started her Ph.D. in August of 2020 in the group of Jamir Marino at the University of Mainz. Oksana explores how to generate a desired form of photon-matter interaction in an experiment and how this interaction results into system properties. In her projects, she shows that by dissipation engineering one can guide a system towards new phases, which can combine properties of a few already existing phases, for example, of superradiance and lasing, or which can exhibit completely new behaviour, i.e., periodically restore and break the symmetry of the model on its way to the equilibrium. Within QuCoLiMa, Oksana works on projects related to the research project D04 ‘Synchronising quantum spins with long-range dissipation’, in which the formation of many-body quantum limit cycles from long-range dissipation and their implementation using cooperative effects is studied. |
Lea Lenke |
![]() Lea is a theoretical physicist working on open condensed matter systems. Since March 2021, she is working as a PhD student in the group of Prof. Kai Schmidt at FAU. In her studies, she puts strong light-matter interaction and frustrated matter-matter interaction into competition and investigates how to tune the properties of matter by light and vice versa. For this, she adapts flow equation approaches to dissipated frustrated spin systems formulated as a Lindblad master equation. Lea is working within the QuCoLiMa project D03 ‘Competing interactions in strongly correlated light-matter assemblies’, where the quantum cooperativity of strongly correlated light-matter systems in the presence of spatially competing and frustrated matter-matter interactions is studied. Lea is also currently the Doctoral representative of FAU in the RTG Panel of the QuCoLiMa Graduate School. |
Prof. Adriana Pálffy-Buß |
![]() Adriana is a theoretical physicist working on quantum optics in the x-ray domain. In April 2022, she was appointed professor at the University of Würzburg heading the Theoretical Quantum Information and Quantum Optics group. Her group investigates collective effects in the scattering of x-rays off ensembles of identical, indistinguishable nuclei; the possibility to build incredibly precise 229Th nuclear clocks; and the coupling of atomic and nuclear degrees of freedom in nuclear processes that involve atomic electrons. Within QuCoLiMa, Adriana is a project leader of the project C04 ‘X-ray Photonic Structures for Control of Cooperative Emission from Resonant Nuclei‘, where the cooperative emission of x-ray photons is studied and controlled. |
Prof. Silvia Viola-Kusminskiy |
![]() Silvia is a theoretical physicist working at the intersection of condensed matter physics and quantum optics. Since January 2022, she is professor at the Institute for Theoretical Solid State Physics at RWTH Aachen and leads the group Theory of Hybrid Quantum Systems. With the help of her team, she studies the interaction between light and collective excitations in condensed matter systems at the micro/nanoscale, with emphasis on systems based on magnetic materials. Her goal is to learn how to tailor the interactions and the dynamics of these hybrid systems, in order to unravel quantum phenomena at unprecedented scales. Within QuCoLiMa, Silvia is heading project B05 – Optomagnomechanical Arrays, where quantum cooperative effects in such systems are investigated. Link to her personal homepage (still at MPL Erlangen) |